The List
This is the current list of documented birds here at Purgatory.
Last update 06/17/2024
- Acorn Woodpecker
- Allen’s Humming Bird
- American Goldfinch
- American Crow
- American Kestrel
- American Robin
- Anna’s Humming Bird
- Ash-Throated Flycatcher
- Bald Eagle
- Band-Tailed Pigeon
- Barn Owl
- Barn Swallow
- Bewick’s Wren
- Black Phoebe
- Black-Chinned Hummingbird
- Black-Headed Grosbeak
- Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
- Blue Grossbeak
- Brewer’s Blackbird
- Brown-headed Cowbird
- Bullocks Oriole
- Bushtit
- Cackling Goose
- Canada Goose
- California Quail
- California Thrasher
- California Towhee
- Cedar Waxwing
- Chestnut-backed Chickadee
- Chipping Sparrow
- Cliff Swallow
- Common Raven
- Cooper’s Hawk
- Costas hummingbird
- Dark-eyed Junco
- Downy Woodpecker
- Dusky Flycatcher
- Eurasian Collard Dove
- European Starlings
- Feral Peafowl
- Fox Sparrow
- Gold-Crowned Kinglet
- Gold-Crowned Sparrow
- Golden Eagle
- Grass Hopper Sparrow
- Great Blue Heron
- Great Horned Owl
- Grey Catbird
- Hammond’s Flycatcher
- Hermit Thrush
- Hooded Oriole
- House Finch
- House Sparrow
- House Wren
- Indigo Bunting
- Killdeer
- Lawrence’s Goldfinch
- Lark Sparrow
- Lazuli Bunting
- Lesser Goldfinch
- Lincoln’s Sparrow
- MacGillivray’s Warble
- Morning Dove
- Northern Flicker
- Northern Mockingbird
- Nuttall’s Woodpecker
- Oak Titmouse
- Orchard Oriole
- Osprey
- Pacific-slope Flycatcher
- Pine Siskin
- Purple Finch
- Purple Martin
- Pygmy Nuthatch
- Red-tailed Hawk
- Red-shouldered Hawk
- Red-Winged Blackbird
- Rock Pigeon
- Rose-breasted Grosbeak
- Ruby-crowned Kinglet
- Rufous-crowned Sparrow
- Rufous Hummingbird
- Say’s phoebe
- Screech Owl
- Sharp-shinned Hawk
- Spotted Towhee
- Song Sparrow
- Steller’s Jay
- Swainson’s Hawk
- Tree Swallow
- Tri-Colored Blackbird
- Tropical Kingbird
- Turkey Vulture
- Violet-Green Swallow
- Warbling Vireo
- Western Bluebird
- Western Kingbird
- Western Meadowlark
- Western Scrub Jay
- Western Tanager
- White-Breasted Nuthatch
- White-Capped Sparrow
- White-Tailed Kite
- White-Throated Sparrow
- White-Throated Swift
- Wild Turkey
- Yellow-Billed Magpie
- Yellow-Rumped Warbler
- Other: Homing Pigeons
- Other: Blue-Fronted Amazon
- Other: Congo African Grey